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Here you'll find valuable resources to improve your skills in the Playground.

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Learning Videos

In the video section you'll find guides covering the different aspects of the Particle Playground framework step-by-step.

Download the Particle Playground 2 - Next manual

Particle Playground 2 - Next Manual

Particle Playground 2 - Next is a jump-start guide and the manual to Particle Playground 2, intended to inspire and give ideas how to bend particles your way. You will also find an extensive reference section and valuable in-depth information.


Script Reference

Get to know Particle Playground from the inside. The Script Reference provides detailed information of how everything connects where you can read up on the available classes, functions and variables. Opens in a new window.

See the Version History document for latest changes.

Getting started

Once Particle Playground is imported to your Unity® project you'll get started through the home screen ”Playground Wizard”. You can find it in Window > Particle Playground. From here you can create new Particle Playground systems and manage your Presets.

To create a new Particle Playground system through script you can use the PlaygroundC class and the wrapper function Particle() which will return a PlaygroundParticlesC object. The Particle Playground systems are all driven by a Playground Manager, this will instantiate automatically if you don't already have one in your scene upon creation.

Instantiate a new Particle Playground system:

PlaygroundParticlesC particles = PlaygroundC.Particle();

Instantiate a previously created Preset:

PlaygroundParticlesC particlePreset = PlaygroundC.InstantiatePreset("Name");

Make sure you use the namespace ParticlePlayground at the top of your document. For examples on how to access and control a Particle Playground system through script, please see the "Simple Script" library provided with the package.

Updating from a version prior to 2.0

First, make sure you do a backup of your project before updating. Due to the heavily rewritten code and multithreading support in Particle Playground 2.0 some changes has been a necessity. Certain parts will need manual updating.

  1. Any manipulator needs to be reassigned to their transform.
  2. As State transitions has been replaced with Snapshots and you can no longer rely upon that feature - however you'll gain more control using Snapshots.
  3. Script mode particle parenting is no longer available.
  4. If you install without removing the previous Particle Playground folder, here's the assets to move:
    1. Resources/Csharp/Particle Playground System.prefab and Playground Manager.prefab to Resources/.
    2. Resources/Csharp/Brushes/ to Playground Assets/Brushes/.
    3. Resources/Csharp/Presets/ to Playground Assets/Presets/ where any of your own presets you wish to instantiate at runtime should be moved to Resources/Presets/.

It's recommended to start clean where you remove the previous Particle Playground folder (exclude any presets) as 2.0 has a new structure. Any presets you intend to instantiate through InstantiatePreset("name") must be of type User and placed in the Resources/Presets/ folder - this is to not export any unnecessary dependency assets to your final project.

Should you need further assistance please open a support errand at support@polyfied.com.