Particle Playground - Script Reference  3.0.1
Framework for controlling particles in the Unity Engine.
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PlaygroundSettingsC Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PlaygroundSettingsC:

Static Public Member Functions

static PlaygroundLanguageC GetLanguage ()
static PlaygroundLanguageC GetLanguage (int i)

Public Attributes

bool checkForUpdates = true
bool enableExtensions = true
bool presetsHasPrefabConnection = false
bool hierarchyIcon = true
float extensionIconSize = 1f
float presetIconSize = 1f
bool settingsFoldout = false
bool settingsLanguageFoldout = true
bool settingsPathFoldout = false
bool extensionsFoldout = true
bool presetsFoldout = true
bool playgroundManagerFoldout = true
bool particleSystemFoldout = true
bool limitsFoldout = false
bool particlesFoldout = true
bool statesFoldout = true
bool sourceFoldout = false
bool createNewStateFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsFoldout = false
bool forcesFoldout = false
bool manipulatorsFoldout = false
bool eventsFoldout = false
bool collisionFoldout = false
bool renderingFoldout = false
bool advancedFoldout = false
bool saveLoadFoldout = false
bool toolboxFoldout = true
bool paintToolboxSettingsFoldout = true
bool sortingFoldout = false
bool textureSheetAnimationFoldout = false
bool splineListFoldout = true
bool transformListFoldout = true
bool particleSettingsParticleCountFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsOverflowOffsetFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsScatterFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsEmissionFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsSizeFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsRotationFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsLifetimeFoldout = false
bool particleSettingsMaskFoldout = false
bool forceAnnihilationFoldout = false
bool forceInitialVelocityFoldout = false
bool forceLifetimeVelocityFoldout = false
bool forceVelocityBendingFoldout = false
bool forceTurbulenceFoldout = false
bool forceConstantForceFoldout = false
bool forceVelocityScaleFoldout = false
bool collisionSettingsFoldout = false
bool collisionPlanesFoldout = false
bool collisionExclusionFoldout = false
bool renderingMaterialFoldout = false
bool renderingColorFoldout = false
bool renderingRenderModeFoldout = false
bool renderingShadowsFoldout = false
bool advancedTimeFoldout = false
bool advancedSimulationFoldout = false
bool advancedRebirthOptionsFoldout = false
bool advancedLocksFoldout = false
bool advancedOnEnableFoldout = false
bool advancedAutoPauseFoldout = false
bool advancedMiscFoldout = false
bool playgroundFoldout = true
bool particleSystemsFoldout = false
bool globalManipulatorsFoldout = false
bool advancedSettingsFoldout = false
bool manipulatorTargetsFoldout = false
bool playgroundSplineFoldout = true
bool nodesFoldout = false
bool usedByFoldout = false
bool splineAdvancedFoldout = false
bool playgroundRecorderFoldout = true
bool recorderPlaybackFoldout = true
bool recorderAdvancedFoldout = false
bool playgroundTrailsFoldout = true
bool trailsTimeFoldout = false
bool trailsWidthFoldout = false
bool trailsPointCreationFoldout = false
bool trailsRenderingFoldout = false
bool trailsAdvancedFoldout = false
bool playgroundFollowFoldout = true
bool followFollowersFoldout = false
bool followAdvancedFoldout = false
string playgroundPath = "Particle Playground/"
string examplePresetPath = "Playground Assets/Presets/"
string presetPath = "Resources/Presets/"
string iconPath = "Graphics/Editor/Icons/"
string brushPath = "Playground Assets/Brushes/"
string languagePath = "Playground Assets/Settings/Languages/"
string scriptPath = "Scripts/"
string versionUrl = ""
string extensionsUrl = ""
float maximumAllowedLifetime = 100f
int maximumAllowedParticles = 100000
float maximumAllowedRotation = 360f
float maximumAllowedSize = 10f
float maximumAllowedDeltaMovementStrength = 100f
float maximumAllowedScale = 10f
float maximumAllowedDamping = 10f
float maximumAllowedVelocity = 100f
float maximumAllowedDepth = 100f
float maximumAllowedMass = 100f
float maximumAllowedCollisionRadius = 10f
float maximumAllowedBounciness = 2f
int minimumAllowedUpdateRate = 10
float maximumAllowedTransitionTime = 10f
float maximumAllowedTimescale = 2f
int maximumAllowedPaintPositions = 100000
float minimumAllowedBrushScale = .001f
float maximumAllowedBrushScale = 1f
float maximumAllowedPaintSpacing = 10f
float maximumAllowedInitialVelocity = 100f
float minimumEraserRadius = .001f
float maximumEraserRadius = 100f
float maximumRenderSliders = 10f
float maximumAllowedManipulatorSize = 100f
float maximumAllowedManipulatorStrength = 100f
float maximumAllowedManipulatorStrengthEffectors = 2f
float maximumAllowedManipulatorZeroVelocity = 10f
float maximumAllowedSourceScatter = 10f
float maximumAllowedTurbulenceTimeScale = 10f
float maximumAllowedTurbulenceStrength = 100f
float maximumAllowedTurbulenceScale = 10f
float maximumAllowedStretchSpeed = 10f
int maximumAllowedPrewarmCycles = 128
Texture2D playgroundIcon
Texture2D playgroundIconInactive
Texture2D playgroundIconHeavy
int selectedLanguage = 0
List< PlaygroundLanguageClanguages = new List<PlaygroundLanguageC>()

Static Public Attributes

static string settingsPath = "Particle Playground/Playground Assets/Settings/Playground Settings.asset"
static string playgroundCacheSettingsLocation = "PlaygroundCache/PlaygroundSettingsLocation.txt"
static PlaygroundSettingsC reference

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